Friday, December 25, 2009


Allison was trying to explain something to us and she kept saying this lady was a sidekick. That description just did not fit with the rest of the story. Finally it hit me ... she meant psychic, not sidekick!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Elliana - 7 yrs

My friend found it hard not to laugh when she was explaining to her kids the art of brushing teeth. She explains, "I AM NOT THE MAID and not required to clean the spit out of the sink after you brush your teeth!" Elliana replies, very innocently and honestly, under her breath, "more like the devil than the maid". My friend said "Oh my, oh my!" and sent her to the timeout chair. With chin on her chest Elliana walked to the chair saying "I wish I would have thinked before I talked". I am sure in her lifetime she will say that many more times, we can all attest to that! ; )

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Braeden - 5yrs

Braeden, Matthew, Louis and I were playing chinese checkers. As the game progressed Matthew noted that I had Braeden blocked. He said, "Braeden, Grandma has you blocked". Braeden's face went white and he cupped his head in his hands, just so bummed and he said, "BLOCKED BY A GWILL!" (Gwill is girl in Braedenese)

Blake - September 2008

Bunni's family is not one that eats at the dinner table as a group much so holiday meals are an anomaly for the kids. One evening Blake told Bunni, "I want to have one of those meals where all the food is on the table!"

Chuck - November 2008

Laverne said she was babysitting Chuck and he was up very late. At 1030pm she told him, "Chuck, you need to go to bed before Mom gets home or when she gets here she will say "GRAAAAAANNY!" Chuck said, "She can't get mad at you ... you are her mother!"

Matthew - 7 yrs

It is getting pretty cold outside and so Matthew came in the house to add a few layers. Jennifer felt like it was sufficient and he headed out. After only a short time he came back in and Jennifer said "What's wrong?" He said, "That world is too cold outside!"

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Matthew - 7yrs- Nov 2009

Louis and the boys were in the shop and Matthew discovered his bike was flat. So he asked Grandpa if he could fix it and Louis said yes but it needs a tube. Matthew said, "Go ask Grandma if it is okay if you go get a new tube". So they came in and Matthew said, "Grandma, Can Grandpa go to the store and get a tube for my bike?" We laughed, he knows who the boss is around here huh? So I went along and I said, "OK as long as he comes straight home." Matthew looked at him and said, "She said you can go." And then turned to me and said "Thank You".

Grayson 18 months- Nov 2009

Grayson was in the backyard and found a pot used for plants. As he usually does he repurposed it to accomplish whatever he needed to accomplish at the time. Today he needed a stepping stool to assist in getting out of that backyard. The only thing holding him back was that silly thing Mom and Dad call a fence! So off he went to the fence, turned the pot upside down and climbed on top of it. Nope he thought this won’t work so he climbed off, moved the pot a little farther down the fence and climbed back up. Nope, this won’t work. He climbed off again, moved the pot down the fence again and still no luck. He continued to do this until he got to the gate! He set the pot down, climbed on, bingo, the latch and all I have to do is push it up and I AM FREE! So he pushed and just about the time he was about to get the latch free the plan was foiled by the parents! Ugghh and I was so close he thought!
Grayson is always thinking … trying to figure something out. You can see it in his eyes clear as day!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Braeden 's Vocabulary Words

Summer 08

You Nimber? = You Remember?
Gwills = girls
Skwills = Squirrels

Nov 09

Hokey Dokey = Okie Dokie
Prinsils = Pretzels
Betend = Pretend
Intendo = Nintendo

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Grayson 16 months

Salina said Grayson loves his daycare (private home daycare) so much that in the morning he drags his big backpack, which is as big as he is, all the way to the front door and just waits for Salina so they can go. I would love to have video of that!

Grayson 16months

We were in Houston for Judy's wedding and Grandpa and I watched the kids while the big kids went out. This is the first time we had been with Grayson by ourselves so he was still getting to know us. I was laying on the bed facing the wall and Grayson was behind me. He was supposed to be going to sleep so I was "pretending" I was asleep. In a minute I could feel eyes on me and I could tell they were really watching me. I looked out of the corner of my eye and his cute little nose was about an inch away from my face and you could tell by his expression that he was thinking "Who is this and what has she done with my Mom?" When I turned over a look of recognition came across his face but for a minute there he was pretty concerned! I am always amazed at how inquisitive Grayson is! He does not miss much.

Grayson 1yr

Salina said that Grayson had gotten to where he was always hitting himself in the head. She could not figure out why. Finally she put it all together ... he was greeting people. Grandpa Marks always salutes Grayson when he sees him so Grayson was following suit! Kids are master imitators!

Allison 5 yrs

Allison was wanting to go swimming but she and Cranpa (Grandpa) had been assigned the task of watching Matthew so Cranpa said we can't right now, we have to watch Matthew. Allison sat there in the living room and you could tell the gears in her head were cranking at full speed. Finally she spotted Onyx (the cat) and her face perked up as if to say "I've got it!" She walked over to Onyx, put her hands firmly on each side of his head and twisted it so that he was facing Matthew. She then instructed Onyx, "Watch Matthew while me and Cranpa go swimming".

Allison 5yrs

When Matthew was a baby Jennifer was nursing him and Allison was totally disgusted. Jennifer said, "Allison when you were a baby I fed you like this". Allison defiantly stated, "Mom I do not eat boobies"

Allison's Vocabulary

Wackanoni and Cheese = Macaroni and Cheese

Sauce = Pudding

Jumanjis = Pajamas

Plastic = Lipstick

Hachos = Nachos

Lello = Yellow

Binegar = Vinegar

Maga = Grandma

Snack = Turkey

Stickle = Tickle

Monday, November 23, 2009

Matthew 7yrs

Matthew is Grandpa's shadow. The admiration in his face is mesmerizing when he sees Grandpa apppear on the scene. So it was no surprise but still cute when he handed him a hand drawn picture that said "Grandpa is my best friend!"

Megan 23yrs

One day last week I inadvertently took Megan's lunch to work. Really ... it was an accident! When I went to the fridge today I found this ...

Braeden - 6yrs old

This is a sign Braeden hung on his door. "Mom you are not in loud". We are fairly certain he meant "Mom you are not allowed"!