Saturday, November 28, 2009

Grayson 18 months- Nov 2009

Grayson was in the backyard and found a pot used for plants. As he usually does he repurposed it to accomplish whatever he needed to accomplish at the time. Today he needed a stepping stool to assist in getting out of that backyard. The only thing holding him back was that silly thing Mom and Dad call a fence! So off he went to the fence, turned the pot upside down and climbed on top of it. Nope he thought this won’t work so he climbed off, moved the pot a little farther down the fence and climbed back up. Nope, this won’t work. He climbed off again, moved the pot down the fence again and still no luck. He continued to do this until he got to the gate! He set the pot down, climbed on, bingo, the latch and all I have to do is push it up and I AM FREE! So he pushed and just about the time he was about to get the latch free the plan was foiled by the parents! Ugghh and I was so close he thought!
Grayson is always thinking … trying to figure something out. You can see it in his eyes clear as day!

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